As we move swiftly towards the end of 2021, we would like to touch base with you all, both to wish you a well-earned holiday as well as to reflect for a moment on the year at CIfA.
We are sad to say goodbye to Brent De Waal who leaves CIfA to take up a position at SAID (South African Institute of Draughting). Brent has been with the Institute for eleven years and will be missed by us all. His calm and positive manner at all CIfA events, as well as his enormous support with everything related to CPD will be remembered. We wish you well Brent and hope that you stay in contact with us.
We also say goodbye to Josh and Oprah, as Café Zoe moves out of The Gallery. They will still be open until 22 December next week, so if you have not had a chance to see the 2021 CIfA Awards Exhibition there is still time. We are hoping to find someone to take over from them and will keep you posted.
We would like to thank all of you who have given so much of your time to work on the various committees within CIfA structures.
See you all in the new year and look forward to starting new conversations around topics that matter to us all.
Nicola Irving – President of the Cape Institute for Architecture