Dear Stakeholder / Interested party,
In context of the uncertain circumstances we find ourselves in with respect to the global pandemic (with the associated national lockdown), the City of Cape Town has extended the deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest as part of Stage 1 of the C40 Reinventing Cities competition, to offer participating teams additional time to prepare their project submissions. The deadline has been extended from Friday 15 May 2020 to Friday 12 June 2020 – 5pm local time.
You can access the media release: ‘City extends deadline for carbon-neutral development proposals’ here.
The City of Cape Town remains entirely committed to the Reinventing Cities programme, and sincerely thanks all stakeholders that continue to show interest and support this important initiative.
Please do not hesitate to ask questions through the pages dedicated to the Cape Town sites on the Reinventing Cities website. Questions will be answered without undue delay.
In addition, if you have not already, kindly partake in the Community Survey re Cape Town’s sites, which you can access here. Kindly forward this to your contacts.
Stay Home and Stay Safe,
City of Cape Town and Reinventing Cities Team