CIfA Newsflash 79/2024 | Special General Meeting 20 August 2024 – Report

Dear CIfA Member
A very special thank you to all who attended and to those that forwarded their proxies for adopting the new Code of Ethics and Constitution at the Special General Meeting at the Cape Institute for Architecture last week Tuesday, 20 August 2024.
We required 1/20 of the membership, which is 26 members, for a quorum; we had 25 voting members in person + 18 proxies which totalled 43 members. Of these we had 41 in favour of adopting the Code of Ethics and Constitution and 2 abstained.
The following documents can be downloaded by clicking on the below links:

We are now officially re-constituted as the Cape Institute for Architecture and our next 2 major drives will be:

  • to boost membership with special reference to the next generation; and
  • then to re-invigorate negotiations with the City Council engagement sub-committee to curb the current delays in council approval and procedure.