Dear CIfA Member It’s that time of the year again, when you are finally rolling up your work calendar for 2020 and looking forward to the holidays. It’s probably fair to say that 2020 has been a tough year for most of us. It has been filled with worry, uncertainty, and changes to the fundamental routines that we’ve built for ourselves. Your whole life might have been thrown upside down. You may have been ill, or worried about your own health and that of your family. You may have struggled with loneliness during the lockdown, and you may have found the lack of social options very limiting. But as 2020 exits the stage, we the grateful audience applaud it’s highs and abysmal lows, and now sigh collectively for both relief and in hopeful anticipation of a new, fresh start that the new year could bring. So on this positive note, and as a member just mentioned to me now, let’s view the glass as half full, and if not, let’s get a smaller glass!
Members’ attention is drawn to correspondence sent to all SACAP Registered Practitioners on 15 July 2020 (see below) regarding extension for renewal of registration.
Please note that it is and remains the duty of the registered professional attending CPD activities to keep record of attendance. Although CIfA keeps records of attendance per event, it is impossible to keep individual CPD records for each member.
The below communique was sent out to registered professionals on the 2020/07/15.
As a result of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, most of the recognised Voluntary Associations have not been able to present Category 1 CPD Activities. Despite the fact that more and more online activities are now presented, it is clear that it became very difficult for Registered Professionals to obtain the required Category 1 CPD credits.
In terms of the CPD Conditions, Registered Professionals must renew their registration every five (5) years. The renewal date is determined by the registration date of the Registered Professional.
In order to renew their registration, a Registered Professional must claim a total of 25 CPD Credits for the 5-year period. Five (5) of these credits must be claimed from Category 1: Developmental Activities. This entails the attendance of structured educational/developmental activities.
The Council therefore approved the following measures, in order to assist Registered Professionals to comply with the requirements for the renewal of their registration:
- Registered Professionals that had to renew their registration on 1 January 2020, will be granted additional time, up to 31 December 2020, to do so;
- Registered Professionals that must renew their registration on 1 January 2021, will be granted additional time, up to 31 December 2021, to do so.
- Persons that already applied and paid for an extension of the period of compliance for 2020, will be given credit for the payment they made in terms of the extension.
- Lastly, Registered Professionals who re-registered after having their registration suspended and are therefore required to obtain an additional 2 Category 1 CPD credits, are granted an additional 12 months to do so.
PLEASE NOTE: These arrangements replace the interim measures with regards to CPD, that was circulated on 24 March 2020.
SACAP is in the process of crediting the accounts of Registered Persons that applied and paid for an extension for compliance.
We are also in the process of extending the validity of the Registration Certificates for persons that had to renew their registration in 2020, but have been unable to do so. Please note however that these certificates will be valid until 31 December 2020.
We trust that these measures will assist Registered Persons and will ensure that they are in a position to comply with the CPD requirements for the renewal of their registration.