INVITATION: CIfA Newsflash 44/2021 | Land Use Management and Building Development Management

Plan and Build It Right
 Land Use Management Land Use Advisory 10 of 2021: Applying for administrative penalities   This advisory clarifies the implementation of the categories of contraventions to which the provisions for the rectification a contravention, or section 130 (2) and (3) of the Municipal Planning By-law, 2015, do not apply as relates to applying for an administrative penalty.   Land Use Advisory 11 of 2021: High Court judgement – deed of transfer conditions   A case recently heard in the Cape Town High Court passed judgement on the conditions imposed in a deed of transfer relating to a number of erven in Brackenfell and Pinelands. This decision has an impact on the application process for these erven, as certain conditions are now waived.   The advisory, includes a copy of the court decision, and lists the erven affected for each suburb, click to view the full document. The attachment included in this email is only the front page – due to size limitation.   Land Use Advisory 12 of 2021: Protection of personal information   As a regulatory body within the municipality, the Development Management Department processes information relating to property ownership. This includes private and personal details, and as such it is considered a responsible party in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act(POPIA). We have undertaken measures to ensure the safety of personal information, including: raising awareness and seeking consent where private information is required in terms of processing an application, e.g. when an affected party submits an objection, comment or representation on a proposed application; or the way third parties (when applicable) use private information, and where private information is a requirement, e.g. when an applicant advertises an application.   We have updated two application forms to reflect the provisions of POPIA;   The objection, comment or representation form or MPBL-LUM 18 The declaration in respect of notices of no objection or MPBL – LUM 19   Consult the advisory for more information.   Land Use Advisory 13 of 2021: Prescribed requirements in terms of the City of Cape Town Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015 (MPBL)

This advisory replaces the version included in our release dated 30 September 2021, and provides additional information on the approval of prescribed requirements, in terms of the Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015.   Building Development Management   A recent publication of the Government Gazette invited public comment regarding Standards Matters related to the Department of Trade and Industry, Government Gazette Notice 622 of 2021. This includes an amendment to Part D of the SANS 10400 referring to Public Safety. The closing date for public comment is Thursday, 9 December 2021.   We encourage you to participate.   IMPORTANT NOTICE:   City of Cape Town Development Management Department