INVITATION: CIfA Newsflash 33/2020 | UPDATE: Wupperthal

Four volunteers from The Cape Institute for Architecture visited Wupperthal during the last week-end. They interviewed the owners and checked draft assessments and drawings for a further 23 houses. The houses represent a list sent to CIfA as those which might be able to proceed immediately with rebuilding.

The draft drawings and assessments will now be revised to reflect the outcomes of the interviews and of what was found on site. The plans will be sent to the drawing volunteers who drew them, for updating and completion. The assessment feedback will be sent to the assessors who will complete their assessments before final submission to Heritage Western Cape.

There are still 16 houses left. For many of these, the assessments and drawings have already been started. There will have to be a final visit by a volunteer team in the near future to do the interviews and checks on these remaining houses.

Heritage Western Cape approved our first 5 submissions for 1 to 5 Tra Tra Street last week. This has been a mini breakthrough in the process for us. These approvals and stamped drawings have been sent to the owners to begin the rebuilding process. More submissions will follow shortly for Tra Tra Street.

I would like to sincerely thank the original volunteers involved in assessments, leadership and co-ordination of this work, as well as the more recent volunteers who have taken responsibility for the drawing work. The amassed assessments and drawings of almost 53 houses is very impressive to see and a credit to the Institute and its members.