CIfA Newsflash 30/2020 | City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law

By Law Amendments the MPBL Amendments Guideline Document was issued to CIfA members at the beginning of this year.

The 3 critical risks to our members’ applications arising from these amendments are:

  1. If your LUM Acceptance letter was issued after 03 February 2020, your LUM application needs to comply with the amended MPBL;
  2. BDM plans already accepted and cleared by LUM as a clean plan prior to 03 February 2020 may have to be referred back to LUM from 03 February 2020 to make sure they comply with the amended MPBL before they can be approved;
  3. Amendment plans submitted after 03 February 2020 may have to comply with the amended MPBL.

In spite of clear instructions issued to all BDM District Offices to enforce the rule that not all clean plans need to be referred to LUM for Amended MPBL compliance clearance, CIfA is aware that all clean plans are still being referred back to LUM contrary to point 2 above and instructions issued.

As a result, some buildings are having to be redesigned to comply with the 2019 Amended MPBL. This is rendering some projects – which were viable under the previous MPBL – now unviable under the amended MPBL thus causing great risk to the construction sector, architects and clients.

If applicants are affected by 1, 2 or 3 above, they must contact their District Manager who is the only official who can determine whether the difference/s between the previous and amended MPBL negatively affect/s the application and whether advertising is required – or not. The list of District Managers is attached below.

TDA DM – Contacts