INVITATION: CIfA Newsflash 28/2021 | Letter to CIfA Immediate Past President

This is a letter from us as the incoming President and Vice-President of CIfA to thank Henk Lourens for all he has done during his more than two years as the President of the Institute.

Dear Henk

Thank you for working towards CIfA becoming a more inclusionary and inviting space. Key to this was your invitation for people to join the Management Committee across age, race and gender. This has begun opening the possibility for broader conversations around the complex issues that affect our professional world.

Your enthusiasm and easy manner engaged all of us in your inclusionary vision. We want to particularly point out all the work you have put into the newly upgraded website and the student portal, which is beginning to be widely used by students.

You were instrumental in the activation of the Gallery by inviting Café Zoe into the space. The coffee shop has allowed the Gallery to be open every weekday as well as Saturday mornings. We invite all our members and friends to come and visit the Gallery and enjoy a refreshment at the coffee shop.

We are very aware of the way you have dedicated generous time and energy into developing good relationships with key role players across our professional bodies from WCG to City to SACAP and more. We hope to build on this.

We admire your vision of the possibility of the different SAIA regional bodies acting as a collective, with each region championing what they are interested in.

Thank you, Henk. We look forward to building on what you and others have begun.