Dear CIfA Member
We are in the process of generating subscription invoices for the period July 2021 to June 2022. Some members would have already received their invoices.
On behalf of the Finance Committee and the Management Committee of the Cape Institute for Architecture (CIfA) I would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the difficult period our profession is going through.
We have made the decision this year to leave the CIfA portion of the subscription unchanged from the previous financial period but unfortunately we are obliged to increase the SAIA portion of the subscription by the 4% decided upon at their last Board meeting. The CIfA Membership Fee Structure is attached below for your records.
We would like to assure you that your Institute continues with its various work and projects and much effort and energy is spent on advocating for and advancing the interests of our membership.
Your continued support is essential to these efforts and much appreciated.
Kind regards