Dear CIfA Member
On the 9th of April our SAIA President, Luyanda Mpahlwa wrote to all of us requesting us to complete the 2020 Practice Bench-marking Survey. The deadline for submissions was extended to the end of April 2020.
I am aware that all of you are trying to cope desperately with the upheaval and uncertainty presented by the Covid-19 lock-down. However, we also have to look toward to the future and this 2020 Survey is critical for a number of reasons as outlined by Luyanda in his notification.
I want to stress that for several years our regulatory body, SACAP, had been uncooperative in addressing the critical issues faced by our profession. This has left us in a precarious position with clients and colleagues within the built environment professions.
The current Council has on numerous occasions made it clear that it is their intent and priority to rectify this situation and we have already seen some evidence of this. Their work in addressing the absence of an IDoW, a recommended Scale of Fees and the procurement of professionals by the government is at a critical stage and the results of the 2020 Survey will go a long way in strengthening their hand to achieve the best possible outcome for our profession.
In the light of this, I want to personally urge you to set aside some time to complete the 2020 Survey so that we can get a representative response from our profession. It will be sad if we do not make use of this unique opportunity.
A huge thank you also to those who have already done so!
SAIA Practices have all received an email from SAIA Practice Benchmarking ( It contains a unique link for each practice to access the online questionnaire.
If you have any general queries about the survey, please email Su Linning on
For specific queries about any of the questions, please contact Vincent Shahim of Leading Edge Research on or on +27 84 612 1217
Kind Regards,