INVITATION: CIfA Newsflash 06/2021 | Call for Nominations to Serve on the Management Committee

Call for Nominations to serve on the CIfA Management Committee

Members are advised that this is an election year according to the CIfA Constitution. Any member with voting rights may nominate, in writing, an eligible person/s for election to the Management Committee, provided that each such candidate is a member with voting rights and shall have signified acceptance by signing his/her nomination. The CIfA Constitution is attached for your records.

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ManCom Nomination Form 2020

All members are urged to take this opportunity to serve on the CIfA Management Committee or to nominate a candidate for election, and in so doing, make a contribution to your Institute. The nominated representative will serve an eighteen month term commencing July 2021.

The closing date for nominations is Thursday 29 April 2021.

If more candidates are nominated than are required to form the Management Committee, a voting process, in terms of the Constitution, will follow.

For your information, the current Management Committee comprises of the following members:

  1. Borgström, Michael
  2. Gadd, Kevin [Immediate Past Present]
  3. Irving, Nicola [Vice-President]
  4. Jinka, Nikki
  5. Lourens, Henk [President]
  6. Louw, Mike
  7. Mills, Ruan
  8. Moodley, Rayner
  9. Rigby, Ursula
  10. Smuts, Carin [Vice-President]
  11. Steyn, Louis
  12. Thabo, Lynette
  13. Van Graan, André
  14. Wilson-Harris, John

Please note that the AGM is scheduled to take place during the last week of May 2021.

Formal notice will be distributed closer to the time.