CIfA Newsflash 05/2023 | INVITATION : 12th Wood Conference – Hybrid Event – 28 FEBRUARY 2023

Registration Deadline: 22 February 2023

Dear All

Registration for 2023 is now open!

Attached please find our invitation to the annual Wood Conference to be held as a Hybrid Event (Online and CTICC East Ballroom) on Tuesday,  28 February 2023.

Please register online at  A registration confirmation will be sent to you once full payment has been received and reflects in our bank account. Please forward proof of payment to

You will then receive a link, sent directly to you from When you receive the link (remember to check your spam/junk folder), activate your online profile by clicking on the link in the email and start networking with fellow attendees.

All architectural professionals registered with SACAP will earn 1.0 category 1 CPD point.

Online Architects are required to stay connected for the duration of the conference to receive the full CPD point.  An online report will be generated and submitted to the Cape Institute for Architecture (CIfA) who will issue the certification directly to you.  Architects attending the conference in person, a register will be provided at the end of the last plenary session.

Our banking details are (only use name and surname as a reference)

Name: Wood Conference             Bank: First National Bank
Acc No: 62523622620                 Branch Code: 201409
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ Looking forward to seeing you all connected online and in person at CTICC

For further details, please see program here: Program_WOOD_Conf_2023