LANDLINE: An exhibition of architecture & visual art by Lorenzo Nassimbeni – 13 June 2024

Lorenzo Nassimbeni will be holding an exhibition of his work in visual art and architecture at the Cape Institute for Architecture. The exhibition, titled LANDLINE, will show recently completed artworks and projects, as well as established work from his portfolio. There will be drawings by participants of the LINEWORK drawing workshop at the exhibition too. The exhibition showcases the thesis behind Lorenzo’s practice, as well as thoughts on the developed conceptual direction it is taking. Much of the work shown focuses on the themes of drawing as a form of conceptual design thinking, as well as the contextual relationship between the built urban and natural environments. Lorenzo will be giving a lecture on the work at the beginning of the opening night of the exhibition, for which there are CPD points available for SACAP-registered professional architects.

The details for the exhibition are below.

Opening date: 13 June 2024, 18h00
Venue: Cape Institute for Architecture, 71 Hout Street, Cape Town
Closing date: 27 June 2024
Opening lecture (30 minutes lecture, 30 minutes Q&A session): 18h30 on the opening night
CPD points: 0.1 CPD point (category 1) for SACAP-registered architects that attend the lecture
Register for CPD points:
Free entrance. Refreshments will be served.

Admin Fee for CPD Certificate (if required): Members R100, Non-members R150 

Where: Cape Institute for Architecture, 71 Hout Street, Cape Town
CPD Validated: Yes
CPD Validation By: CIFA
CPD Category: Category 1
CPD Credits: 0.1
Member Price: N/A
Non Member Price: N/A