Exhibition Opening: Architecture of Interwar Kaunas

CIfA Newsflash 130/2023 | From the Desk of the President & Vice-President of CIfA

CIfA Newsflash 128/2023 | CoCT Plan and Build It Right Newsletter

CIfA Newsflash 122/2023 | Renewable Energy Infrastructure Guideline

CIfA Newsflash 119/2023 | Learning from Venice City by Prof. Julian Cooke

CIfA Newsflash 118/2023 | CPD Portfolios and SACAP Registration Renewal 2023

CIfA Newsflash 117/2023 | Great Architecture Books from the CIfA Bookstore

CIfA Newsflash 116/2023 | CPD Presentation – Creating a sustainable future with steel

CIfA Newsflash 115/2023 | Announcement of newly elected CIfA Management Committee

Save the Date: Social Infrastructure — Connecting People & Places for Thriving Communities – 02 November 2023

INVITATION: Crossover: Walking in the City Exhibition Opening – 01 November 2023

CPD Presentation – How to be the Principal Agent – 21 November 2023

CIfA Newsflash 109/2023 | Voice of the Architect – CAPE TOWN!

CIfA Newsflash 107/2023 | The Architecture of Peter Rich: Conversations with Africa